Anne Sundell Picture by: Elise Baumann



About  Me 

I grew up in a quite religious surrounding and because of this I became very interested in what my late grandfather had been up to with Spiritism in the early 1900´s. Back then when this Spiritual boom hit Europe and a lot of people became both interested and involved in themes that we now call New Age, he was one of many that studied theese practices. This also seemed to be a bit of a taboo subject in my family and that I guess was what made it even more inspiring for a young Scorpio. During my own research I also found a hand written letter that contained an astrological reading made for my grandmother. At the time I didn’t quite understand any of it, but it planted a seed of interest to catch up with later.

This whole thing vanished in memory for many years until I was faced with an astrology course in the middle of the 90´s. From that moment I can say that my astrological interest became real. There were too much information about me told from my birth chart to be ignored. This couldn’t be a coincidence. My teacher of that time was also very much into karmic astrology and it´s practice, so I was immediately aware of the karmic side of the coin. Struggling to keep a rational mind, it still took me quite some years to get to the point where I´m am today. Back then, I could not have imagined myself having done this journey of twenty five years.

Even if my studies in astrology continued and I also did readings and some teaching, I simultaneously  worked in different quite demanding professions that took most of my time and energy, also at the same time being a single mother. I finished my studies in Nursing and in Developmental Psychology and noticed how important astrological knowledge was as an asset at every workplace with clients. At some point the interest in astrology finally draw the longest straw out of the haystack, as we say in Swedish.

In 2017 I actually felt ready to try my own wings, merely as a test if it was even possible to make a living as a full time astrologer in Finland. This was thanks to the MISPA School of Psychological Astrology that I attended for the Diploma Course. where teacher John Green served as one  example of inspiration.  Throughout the process of studying and with encouragement from fellow students and lecturers I could finally give myself the space to try it. And even though it has been a lot to learn I´m very thankful for the support I have gotten from the Astrological community – clients and students.

Today I function as the Chair for the Professional Astrologers in Finland and as an International Satellite for OPA (the Organization for Professional Astrology) and also as a head lecturer in Karmic Astrology at the new Finnish Astrological Education Programme; Journey of the Soul Ltd.

I specialize in Karmic and Psychological Astrology and have a shorter education in Relationship astrology (Gray & Diaz). You can contact me for personal readings and other astrology related topics by mail or phone, or through the contact form at this site.

                 I hold a Diploma from the MISPA School of Psychological Astrology. You can learn more about this education here:

Educational background:

  • Master of Developmental Psychology, BN, published author  
  • Dip. MISPA 2018, OPA certification (ongoing), Relationship Astrology 2020
  • AIPA membership 
  • Teacher and founder of the Finnish Astrological Education Programme “The Souls Journey-School of Esoteric and Karmic Astrology Ltd” 2020- 
  • Finnish Professional Astrologers chair 
  • Relationship Astrology Specialization Gray & Diaz (2020)
  • Opa (The Organization for Professional Astrology) certified astrologer 2023-2031  Finnish Satellite since 2018


Publications in Finnish, Swedish, English:

  • Astrologilta haetaan apua kriisitilanteisiin, Vaasan Ikkuna 2017
  • Karma Astrologia – RTV 2018
  • Hundra år med Astrologin, Astro Logos 2017
  • Astrologia Psykologian Valossa Astro Logos 2018
  • Niinistö Niinistö Astro Logos 2018
  • Huberin Aito Astrologinen Koulu Astro Logos 2018
  • When Beauty is more than skin deep – The Career Astrologer OPA 2018, USA
  • När skönheten ligger djupare än på ytan övs. Margareta Hedin Damernas Värld 2018, Ruotsi
  • A glimpse of  Karmic astrology as practised in Europe – The Career Astrologer OPA 2019, USA
  • En glimt av hur den karmiska astrologin används övs. Margareta Hedin Damernas Värld 2019. Ruotsi
  • Intervju Radio Finland Ostrobotnia sep. 2019 Mitä astrologia kertoo meille?
  • The History of Astrology in Scandinavia – The Career Astrologer  OPA, 2020, USA
  • YLE:
  • Karma-astrologian avaimet 2021 Basam Books (The Keys to Karmic Astrology) Nominated for best alternative literature 2021
  • Seasonal Themes The Career Astrologer Magazine (2021-22)
  • Monthly blog on karmic astrology site 2022-
  • Unintegrated  Planets in Relationships The Evolving Astrologer Magazine 2023
  • Karma-astrologian avaimet iamBoooks 2024

Lectures and Performances 

  • Suomen Astrologinen Seura ry (2018): Kiintymysteemat Kartalla
  • Suomen Astrologinen Seura ry (Minä Olen Messut) (2019): Riippuvuusteemat Kartalla
  • Suomen Ammattiastrologit ry (2017): Psykologinen Astrologia
  • Tampereen Astrologinen Seura ry (2019) : Psykologinen Astrologia
  • Kreivilän Astrologiset Kesäpäivät (2019): Karmalliset Suhteet
  • Kreivilän Astrologiset Kesäpäivät (2020): Viimeinen huone, Saturnus & Mars kartalla
  • Kreivilän Astrologiset Kesäpäivät (2021): Karma kartat
  • Voi Pyhä Jyssäys (2018): Karma kartta, Yhteensopivuus kartalla
  • Rohkeus Olla Minä Messut (2018): Astrologia ja Terveys
  • Rohkeus Olla Minä Olen Messut (2019) : Karmalliset Suhteet
  • Vaasan Paraseura ry (2020): Astrologia & Terveys
  • Sielunmatkalla – Journey of the Soul Ltd Education for Karmic and Esoteric Astrology founder ongoing educational programm 2020-
  • OPA Finland (Organization for Professional Astrology) (2021): Astrologia ja Elämäntarkoitus
  • OPA (Organization for Professional Astrology) (2021): The Life Cycle charts ( )
  • Tampereen Astrologinen Seura ry: Ihmissuhteet astrologiassa (2021)
  • Taivaankansi Podcast by Annica Kähkönen (2021)
  • Astro Chat Podcast with Kimberly Williams & Monika Anna (2022)
  • Intervju about Karma-astrologian avaimet book Anita Salo (2022)
  • Intervju Karmic Astrology Blog Seppo Tanhua (2022)
  • OPA Finland (Organization for Professional Astrology) Tapahtumia Taivaalla Moderator (2022)
  • Astrologia ja tarot-kortit ovat nousseet uuteen suosioon – (2022)
  • OPA Live Relationship Astrology 2023
  • Intervju NYA Nordic Young Astrologers
  • AA Conference Diverse Perspectives 2024
  • Current Memberships: SAA (Finnish Professional Astrologers ry),   OPA – The Organization for Professional Astrology (,  APAI (The Association of Professional Astrologers International),  AA (The Astrological Association of Great Britain) 


I have ordered astrological readings from most of the known astrologers in Finland. Everyone has brought their unique insights into the art. No one has acknowledged my retrograde Mercury and it´s importance in the chart. You gave me a new perspective on that. Now I understand how important it has been in my life...

Juha, 41

This is unbelievable! I´m speachless... Now I need to digest all this information I got from the reading. I got confirmation that I´m on the right track!

Mina, 33