Solar Return II

I will continue to explore some features of the Solar Return chart as continuation of part I

Patterns of Growth

The solar year cycles bring us possibilities to face certain themes, time and again during a certain cycle of years. Usually the first year a new Solar cycle ascendant is due, it might be the strongest year in that cycle, a beginning of the lessons that are brought forward by that particular ascendant sign. The next time around, the same ascendant sign will be a bit more familiar because the development was already begun four years ago. 

To highlight what I mean by this: If you are starting a cycle with a Scorpio ascendant, the first year it starts it’s degree will be in some of the last stages of that sign. During this first year, the lessons of the Scorpio ascendant will be introduced to you. Sometimes this can take place through happenings that will continue to evolve later during the next Scorpio rising year which will then be approximately due in four years, (if you are residing in the same place) as this pattern is repeating approximately four times for each sign. So usually you are experiencing a cycle of four signs, changing over the course of four years time. This brings us to a whole cycle of 20 years in time, a quite long period, where the same rising signs repeating. The masculine and feminine signs follow one another’s cycles, so that one cycle consists of feminine signs, a more inward kind of period and will continue by a masculine outward period when the energy is outgoing and the directed towards outer happenings and increased activity.  If you view the astrological energy as a wave, the energy of the Solar Return might be felt as having a highlight in the middle of the year and then begin to ebb out when approaching the next birthday, being mixed up with the energy of the coming Solar return energies. 



Carl Jung was the first one to talk about the synchronicity in astrology based on his own studies with couples in relationship. After this the term has been used to describe happenings that seem to be somewhat meaningful or coincidences. When talking about Solar Returns this strikes me when looking at my own clients and how they fit in my own Solar Return pattern. When looking at client’s charts I noticed that the cycles of my own Solar Return ascendant of the year was many times also the one in  the client’s natal chart. Or that the client´s chart reminded me a lot of my Solar Return. This just happened so many times that it wasn’t really just a random thing. I haven´t found any studies desling with this directly, but it seemed interesting. So according to this the own Solar Return Year is possibly attracting certain kind of people into my life. During a Sagittarius Solar Year, we might attract Sagittarian experiences but why not also Sagittarian people. This is of course only another sign of how astrology might work to help us to understand the lessons we are given at a certain moment of time. To face these clients and be privileged to further investigate their charts is an interesting way to see how the synchronicity in astrology might be working. Like I mentioned earlier the Solar Return does not change our personality though it might attract certain themes and people into our life provinding us with actors and reactors of the Solar year. 


Escaping the lessons

Solar Return charts gives us an opportunity to experience a glimpse of another zodiac sign, and other planet placements during a particular year. Some of these charts will most certainly be more tempting to wait for then others. So if I am having a lousy chart this coming year, could I maybe look how my Solar Return is looking on the other side of the world?

This brings us to the next question. How does the Solar Return work for me in certain places in the world? I’ve heard about people moving around to experience the ”perfect” place to live. But even if we would chase happiness in this way we still have our natal charts and other transits going on to affect it. Astrology is a complicated art. Like with astro carthography, it might work to experience some lighter energies at certain places in the world, however it is not something that is usually even possible for a person living an ordinary life. Because of the short timing of the year chart, the energies in the might not be as strong as we would imagine.   Today a lot of people travel the world during a Solar Year and might therefore benefit from checking the Year Chart of a certain place, especially when staying for a longer period of time abroad similar to checking the Relocation charts.  Eschelman, the main residence Solar Return chart is seen to be the major actuator while another place chart might have some secondary effects. 


Example of interpretation

After looking at some different ways to view Solar Return and also some ways to look at the chart I would like to provide a short sample of some ways of interpretation. This is however just based on my own style of working. Because the Solar Return chart is only due for approximately one year, I think that some parts of the chart might be highlighted. For example planets on the angles and the luminaries are therefore important.  


This chart is a sample of a Solar Return Chart and it´s differences to a natal chart

To begin with I look at the ascendent sign because of it´s importance in measuring the yearly themes and lessons. Scorpio is rising, its a feminine year, and also a year that might be filled with both strong emotions and transforming experiences. The Scorpio year even as a fixed year might indicate change of a rather inward or psychological kind. It might contain events that make the individual think about the cycle of life, birth and death and the psychological dynamics underneath. It might also give the individual a particular interest in the occult or deeper areas of life or tabu areas. The Scorpio year might give You an urge to go deeper, and challenge Your own fears or inner deamons, so that a change and evolution may take place.  

Secondly the sun´s placement will give some information about the area in life where the person might be able to show themself and Shine during the year. The sun has an important role in the Solar Return that is based on the suns degree. in this chart it will be in the first house of personality and in alignment with the natal sun also being in the first house. This Year might therefore help the individual to show their personality and maybe have a stronger sense of I and maybe offer opportunity express this more openly during the year.  When looking at the Moon of the chart, is in the tenth house and in the beginning of Libra, the year might be a year of work, where the person might be very interested in how their social image is viewed by others. Sometimes it might be possible that the individual will be in the spotligt or change their social status somehow. The Moon might be a place where the person experiences more change or vunerability during the coming year. (for ex house position) 

Besides this there is another planet very central in this chart, Mercury is places very close to the ascendant making an imortant mark on the year. This might actually light up the year a bit, giving it a Mercurial vibe and a bit more social touch than a plain Scorpio ascendant year. Mercury might stand for writing, talking and when in Scorpio maybe a certain need to go in depth with things.  


Comparison of the Solar Return to the energies of the birth chart

To get to know something about the intensity of this year the ascendent degree might be of some help. Because tha degree of the ascendent is quite in the beginning, wich tells me that the person is in the middle of a cycle and therefore Scorpio has been an ascendent before during the past four years. The energy is not a very weird one to this person that is a double Scorpio in the natal chart. It´s crucial to compare the charts to each other to understand the similarities and differencies between them. How might a very “airy” chart be experienced by a strong water sign? The aspects of the ascendent is making conjunctions to both Mercury and Mars so they will be very present during this year. Mercury is also in opposition to Uranus, which makes this energy somewhat disruptive. These planets are making a paran aspect. 

The element division of the year chart differs from the one in the natal because of the emphasis of earth in the year chart. Because earth is very weak in the natal chart division this year might provide the individual with some stable and realistic ways of dealing with things. In the Solar Return second house, Venus and Jupiter are alining in Sagittarius and this might be a classical money aspect but it might also make the individual more extravagant in financial matters. 

Uranus placement in the sixt house opposing both Mars and Mercury might indicate that the daily rythm during the year might be more flexible than usual. Because this house is also connected to pshysical healt it might be good to observe and take care of having enough rest if energies get to tense. Mercury can be responsible for some tensions and a plan for relaxing especially around sleeping patterns might be handy, just in case. 

When comparing the charts, I see that the Solar Return ascendent falls in the twelfth house of the Natal chart threfore activating Venus. This might also mean some introspective energy to the year. I know that this particular year meant a lot of work in the relationship area.  The development of intuition, and maybe also highligt some karmic issues that need to be adressed. The Solar Medium Coeli axis is activating  the Natal charts Saturn. This might bring an important but also heavy work load. It is of course desired to check where other important features affects the birth chart. 

This was just a few examples how to work with the Solar Return charts. Every Year we get a new opportunity to explore this chart with all it´s flavours, an simultaneously learn more about ourselves and the world around us. 



James A. Eshelman Interpreting Solar Returns

Maija Urmas Auringonpaluukarttojen toimivuudesta

Own notes and reflectations 

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